Reducing X-ray dose for safer procedures

By Philips  Featuring: H. Rosink, S. Kulkarni, K. Simhadri  Nov 2023∙ 3 min read

White paper


Image Guided Therapy

Strategies to reduce radiation exposure for patients and medical staff during interventional procedures receive close scrutiny and interest in the healthcare community.

Philips is an industry leader in the techniques and technologies that provide clinically relevant image quality during orthopedic, trauma and other interventional applications, while managing radiation exposure of patients and medical staff.

This research paper explores key factors that influence dose and image quality and outlines ways in which Philips DoseWise Zenition can achieve the principle of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and help manage X-ray dosage.

This white paper focuses on

  • Facts, perception and dose awareness
  • A long heritage in dose management
  • Introducing Philips DoseWise Zenition and exploring key factors that influence dose and image quality: Smart technology, more control and better awareness
  • Unique dose control features and how Philips DoseWise Zenition achieves the principle of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and help manages X-ray dosage

clinicians performing an interventional procedure in a cath lab

How Philips innovates mobile C-arm technologies for a lower X-ray dose 

This research paper explores the Philips long history of dose management and discusses the innovative mobile C-arm DoseWise Zenition system technologies developed by Philips to help ensure lower X-ray dose during interventional procedures.

The research paper also explains the terms and definitions related to X-ray dose, including examination dose and dose area product (DAP) and highlights the importance of collimation, shutters and iris positioning in reducing patient dose.

Facts, perception and dose awareness


The detrimental effects of X-rays on human tissues have been known since their discovery in 1895. The paper emphasizes the importance of reducing radiation exposure for patients and medical staff, as well as the risks associated with exceeding dose thresholds. It also mentions the potential harm of scatter radiation to medical staff present during procedures.

A long Philips history in dose management


Philips has a long history of dose management and is committed to providing technology and features that facilitate the application of the ALARA principle. In fact, Philips mobile surgery systems have been at the forefront of the technological advances that have continued to enhance patient care for decades.

As OR practices evolve across the globe, Philips solutions have evolved as well and now span comprehensive solutions for opening an office-based lab, ambulatory surgery center or new surgical room. 


"Successful management of patient radiation dose can only be achieved through the optimization of medical imaging technology, combined with the best control of the imaging equipment by the operator." - Philips Image Guided Therapy

Exploring key factors that influence dose and image quality: smart technology, more control and better awareness


Exceptional image quality and dose management capabilities begin with the components of the imaging chain. Philips DoseWise Zenition makes use of smart technology. By this, we mean the ‘intrinsic’ feature components within the system that form the foundation of exceptional imaging, such as the X-ray generator with monoblock architecture, dynamic flat detector and real-time image processing.


Dose and image quality can also be optimized via the addition of clinically optimized acquisition settings. The settings of the imaging parameters depend greatly on the clinical task, procedure type, anatomy of interest and preferred way of working, and so, these parameter settings are optimized and made available in pre-set acquisition settings.


Philips DoseWise Zenition has 30 different acquisition presets developed for cardio, vascular, orthopedics, skeleton, urology, endoscopy, pain and other procedures. Each setting applies dedicated fluoroscopy parameters to help you obtain superb image quality for the anatomy of interest without applying more X-ray dose than necessary.

Additionally, dose and image quality can be improved through features that deliver improved user awareness.

Zenition – unique dose control features*


  • Up to 90% reduction in X-ray dose by selecting clinically optimized acquisition protocols from the wide range of dose frame rate combinations
  • Up to 60% reduction in patient skin dose for extremities and pediatrics by removing anti-scatter grid on detector
  • Up to 49% reduction in with automatic shutter positioning protects patient anatomy and in-room personnel from unnecessary exposure
  • 40% reduction in patient skin dose through additional copper and aluminum beam filtration, which increase the quality of the X-ray beam

Unique dose control features and how Philips DoseWise Zenition achieves the principle of ALARA


Each Zenition mobile C-arm is equipped with several dose-saving features and clinically relevant presets, which provide an optimal balance between dose and image quality, such as optimized acquisition protocols, automatic shutter positioning and  advanced image processing

Such clinically optimized acquisition settings and fluoro dose choices offer clinicians more control over dose management.

In fact, the DoseWise Zenition dose control features include up to 90% reduction in X-ray dose, up to 60% reduction in patient skin dose, and up to 49% reduction in DAP. And, of course, Philips applies the ALARA principle to benefit patient and staff safety.

Dose awareness for staff is also an important consideration and the DoseWise Zenition system provides information on dose indicators, structured patient dose reporting and real-time patient dose display to equip clinicians with better awareness.

In conclusion, the innovative technologies and features of the DoseWise Zenition system represent the latest advancement in the Philips longstanding commitment to dose management and contribute to lower X-ray dose during interventional procedures.

Zenition DoseWise: How Philips innovative mobile C-arm technologies ensure lower X-ray dose

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* The X-ray dose reductions refer to specific features, and will vary depending on the dose parameters selected

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