Radiation Oncology
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IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology

Accelerate the time from patient referral to treatment

Simplifying a complex process


Radiation therapy can be effective in helping patients overcome cancer. At the same time, radiotherapy processes are often fragmented and inefficient. Uncertainties along the way can impact quality and make it difficult to consistently provide accurate, timely treatment.


IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology is an intelligent patient management solution designed to accelerate time from referral of the patient to the start of their treatment by managing complexity, improving efficiency and enabling operational excellence.

Baseline workflow

IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology is a protocol-driven and customizable solution to harmonize the orchestration of the radiotherapy process. Its intuitive dashboards, direct access to external applications and deep integration with hospital IT help you improve your daily workflows and keep a focus on your top priority: your patients.

Complexity icon

Manage complexity by creating a harmonized way of working and transparent communications

Optimize workflow through ProtocolCards that capture:

  • Physician intent
  • Tasks and their order
  • Application management
  • Task-related information

Display user and department tasks on comprehensive, intuitive dashboards

Efficiency icon

Improve efficiency by deeply integrating applications, maintaining data integrity, and automating workflow

Enjoy open, vendor agnostic, platform that automates data routing, executes tasks in the background, and launches contextually aware applications

Benefit from interoperability with hospital IT environments (OIS, EMR, PACS, RIS/HIS, HL7, DICOM, LDAP, AD)

Use single sign on (SSO) and easy navigation to key applications

Excellence icon

Enable operational excellence by mitigating risk, documenting results, and discovering insights

Thorough quality control and traceable patient history

Customization and configuration with integral Practice Management support

A walk through IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology

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Radiation Oncology Practice Management

Radiation Oncology Practice Management


Each delivery of IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology includes a comprehensive set of Practice Management services. Philips collaborates with you to customize the product to meet your specific departmental requirements and workflows and tailors training to assure staff proficiency.

Philips Radiation Oncology Solutions

The confident path to treatment


Philips Radiation Oncology Solutions


Philips offers a proven portfolio of dedicated radiotherapy solutions that span diagnostic imaging to treatment planning. By integrating tools, systems, and software, we help you to improve patient care, accelerate time to treatment, enhance patient satisfaction, while maximizing the value of your investment.

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IntelliSpace Radiation Oncology is not available in all markets. 

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